A Hell of a Way to cure Hypertension…

So I’ve been hypertensive for about 3 years, well controlled with antihypertensive drugs.   Weirdly it seems like my ALS has cured my hypertension!  For the last week my blood pressure has been on the low side even though I have not been taking my lisinopril.   I would definitely NOT recommend ALS as a antihypertensive treatment.

Strangely I’ve also developed eczema on my face.   Apparently it’s not common in ALS so I suspect it’s more diet related.   Being obese is protective in ALS.  As a consequence they want me to gain weight which means I’m eating all sorts of garbage I would never eat and don’t really have a taste for; butter,  cheese,  other high fat foods.

Now cold feet ARE something reported in ALS.   My feet are often freezing even if it’s warm out. Strange.


2 thoughts on “A Hell of a Way to cure Hypertension…

  1. My bad MS foot is usually cold and the neurologist reminded me that temperature is neuro-regulated. It’s also a gorgeous blue/purple/blackish color. I find those fuzzy chenile socks really help (my mother-in-law called them “cozy socks”). look on amazon for unisex socks. Then sometimes my feet are really hot…I’d take the cold anyday.


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