Long overdue post

It has been over a month since I last posted. The truth is I’ve become remarkably disabled in the last couple of months. My activities of daily living take a huge part of the day. In the past my right hand and arm are what I used to “talk” through my Android tablet.  Well those parts of my body are failing fast.  So I working on using a Tobii Dynavox eye gaze system to communicate.  Check out these amazing computers on YouTube. Quite remarkable.


15 thoughts on “Long overdue post

  1. I wondered if that was going on. thank you for your contact, I didn’t know how much loss you were dealing with. The YouTube man made it seem fun. For your central paragraph I counted 444 letters, spaces, returns and periods. 4 my part, It’s OK if U abbreviate.

    Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 22:18:41 +0000 To: lintswilliam@hotmail.com


  2. Beryl and I think of you daily and speak often of your bravery, your resolve, and most remarkably your apparent good humor through what must be an challenging time. We wish you and Susannah only the best.


  3. Rasjad, the so good to hear from you. Thank you for thinking of us, York family & friends with these posts. I know they help me be close to you. Thank you for such a personal gift, You are a special, unique, remarkable,loving man. LOVE YOU ♡ Anne Nelson GME


  4. Dear Rasjad,
    Thank you for your message. I am really touched as I know Asthma.
    I very much appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Send You prayers and good thoughts and Wish You energy to continue in writing.
    Love to You and Susannah


  5. You don’t know me, but I have learned about you from one of your close colleagues and admirers. I thank you for what you have shared with her and others in both your professional capacity and at this stage of your life.


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