My Latihan

In previous posts I have talked about Subud and the worship  exercise called the latihan. Subud is not a religion and I suggest that you review those posts if you want more information about Subud. This post is about my latihan that I had last night.

A number of Subud brothers have been coming to my house weekly to do latihan with me (men and women do latihan separately). Last night was one of those nights. What I received was very powerful. As I have said before  trying to put into words what I receive is a poor representation of the actual experience – but I will try.

I have been fearing my impending death. All PALS (people with ALS)  eventually die from respiratory failure – unless they get a tracheostomy, which I am unwilling to get. Currently my respiratory status is getting worse and I can see the end is near.

Back to my receiving –  I have been fearing my death. What I got was that my mind was fearful and yet my soul was not. However my mind had been very wonderful and useful for this world but my mind and body would be left behind while my spirit would soar on to the afterlife! What I experienced is beyond words. But I will say I no longer fear my death.


9 thoughts on “My Latihan

  1. Rashad –

    Thank you for sharing your journey with me and many other friends. It brings me solace to know that your spirit is at peace with the present and the beautiful life you created. You contributed joy and love and a healthy life for so many human beings! Thank you for living a life beyond measure. I treasure your honesty.

    May blessings continue to surround you and your family.

    Cyndi and Eric >


  2. Raj I only met you and your wife briefly in clinic for the peg tube placement yet you have touched my life immensely -you have no idea. Shortly after I met you my brother was diagnosed with ALS – we were shocked and very afraid. I couldn’t believe it – truly you were still fresh on my mind and to hear that my super athletic smart brother had ALS was almost more than I could bear. Your posts have given me great comfort despite how my heart breaks for you and for my brother. Your latest post describes a very powerful experience that I am so very grateful occurred for you. You have no idea how many lives you have touched – well you probably do after that wonderful video your friends made for you! Though I hardly know you I can say you have been one of the most powerful persons I have ever met. Just like my brother… Isn’t that strange, this crazy world of seemingly coincidental meetings? It’s clear there are much larger forces at play and it is humbling to be sure. Thank you so much for sharing and allowing strangers like me to benefit from your experience in “this” life. I always look forward to your posts but am too embarrassed to comment because I’m social media shy. Bless you and your wife. Deb Clement FNP Kaiser GI

    Sent from my iPhone



  3. Rasjad, my older sister died of pulmonary fibrosis when she was 23 years old. In essence, she died of respiratory arrest. I want you to know that she continues to be a part of all of us who knew and loved her deeply. She lives on with those who remember her. You, too, will live on with all of us. You have given us so much. With love and empathy, Patti


  4. Rasjad,
    Thank you for sharing your powerful journey. Thank you for showing us how to live well despite/because of what we are given. Thank you for your example of how to face our personal death.

    Heidi L. Hodge


  5. That is so powerful. While I can easily relate to fearing death, I have no frame of reference for not fearing death. My mind is blown by what is only is concept for me. I am so very very happy that you are experiencing this. I am grateful for you sharing and that you are in my life, Rasjad.


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